API reference
Fetch current status and active modes of the light client

Fetch current status and active modes of the light client

Gets current status and active modes of the light client.


  • None


  • modes - active modes
  • app_id - if app mode is active, this field contains configured application ID
  • genesis_hash - genesis hash of the network to which the light client is connected
  • network - network host, version and spec version light client is currently con
  • blocks - state of processed blocks
  • partition - if configured, displays partition which light client distributes to the peer to peer network


  • light - data availability sampling mode, the light client performs random sampling and calculates confidence
  • app - light client fetches, verifies, and stores application-related data
  • partition - light client fetches configured block partition and publishes it to the DHT


  • latest - block number of the latest finalized (opens in a new tab) block received from the node
  • available - range of blocks with verified data availability (configured confidence has been achieved)
  • app_data - range of blocks with app data retrieved and verified
  • historical_sync - state for historical blocks syncing up to configured block (ommited if historical sync is not configured)

Historical sync

  • synced - true if there are no historical blocks left to sync
  • available - range of historical blocks with verified data availability (configured confidence has been achieved)
  • app_data - range of historical blocks with app data retrieved and verified
curl "https://api.lightclient.mainnet.avail.so/v2/status"
Sample Response: